„Competitiveness in European Administrative Area. Relevant case-study webinar”

Date: 18th of November 2024, starting 12.00 p.m.
Place: hybrid event (B4 and on-line on Teams – access link)


Silviu-Mihai TIȚĂ
Professor, PhD. at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Topic: Boosting Engagement and Efficiency: Gamification Strategies in Public Administration

PhD. Silviu-Mihai Tiță is professor at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Management, Marketing, and Business Administration and has courses or seminars in Management, Business Games, Organizational Diagnostics, Quantitative Decision Techniques, and Organizational Performance Management. He obtained a Ph.D. in Management, graduated from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration – specializing in Business Management, as well as from the Faculty of Computer Science, specializing in Informatics. He is interested in adapting technologies to the teaching process by identifying software applications that enable students to learn in various dynamic contexts as close as possible to the realities of the business environment.