EU-PAIR Conference 2022

“Challenges and Dynamics of European Administrative Area”
13th – 14th of May 2022, Iasi, Romania

NEW! EU-PAIR 2022 Conference Proceedings

Conference programme

Call for papers

The EU-PAIR 2022 Annual International Conference aims to bring important and emerging issues concerning the trajectories of the European public administrations’ actions in responding and being resilient to challenging pandemic times to be discussed by academics, scholars, practitioners, doctoral students, students and interested parties. The event will take place during 13th and 14th of May at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Around the world, public administrations face uncertainties and challenges as never before that require new managerial, financial, accounting, economic, organizational and policy solutions. This year, the conference commits to exchange research and practical solutions for current issues based on the old practices, to provide insights for the „new normality”. To develop a more accountable model for European public administrations, it is imperative that academia, policy makers, practitioners, public managers, and civil society discover new ways of actions for enhancing the performance and high quality of services for citizens well-being.


Vice-Rector of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Mihaela ONOFREI is professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and a doctoral superviser in Finance. Her proactive academic and research activity is highlighted through her extensive list of publications: 28 books, 131 scientific articles, 126 conference proceedings and involvement in 29 research projects and structural grants. Furthermore, she has contributed to the creation of several study programs in finance and public administration. Her expertise is in Corporate Governance, Financial Management, and Public Administration. She teaches courses on Elements of Public Administration Science (for 1st cycle), Decision-Making in Public Administration (for 1st cycle), Comparative Administrative Science (2nd cycle).
She is member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Financial Studies, member in the National Council for the Financing of Higher Education, Vice-President of Sociology Commission, political and administrative sciences at the National Council for the Certification of Titles, Diplomas and University Certificates. She was Expert evaluator and Rapporteur at the Research Executive Agency (REA) – European Commission and Expert and Rapporteur at the State Education Development Agency from Riga (Latvia).
Other positions: Representative of the University at the Consortium for the validation of qualifications in the Finance field, at the National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education,  Expert evaluator in the fields of Finance and Public Administration at the Agency for the Evaluation of the Quality of Higher Education (ARACIS),  Expert evaluator for the National Center for Scholarships Abroad within the Ministry of Education and Research, Member in the Central Reform Unit in Public Administration, Member of the working group Finances and accounting of the public sector of the network of public administration schools in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPACEE), Bratislava (Slovakia).
Over the years, she has held several leading positions within the University, including that of Head of the Finance, Money and Public Administration Department (2012-2016) and Rector-in-charge (2017-2019).

Director of Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe, in Lausanne, Switzerland
Gilles GRIN is the director of the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe, in Lausanne, Switzerland and a lecturer at the University of Lausanne. He holds a PhD in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva as well as Master’s degrees from Yale University, the London School of Economics and the University of Lausanne. More information can be found on professor Grin’s personal page.

Associate Professor PhD. KOSJENKA DUMANČIĆ
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb
Kosjenka Dumančić is an Associate Professor of Commercial Law and Vice-Dean for international relations and projects at Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb where she teaches Commercial Law, Law of International Trade, European Company Law and European Market Law.  She got master degree at “European studies” organized by Pantheon Assas, Paris II and University of Zagreb in 2003 and holds Ph.D. in European Law with thesis “Limits of the freedom to provide services in European Union.”  She is the director of the Institute for Euro-Asian Studies of Faculty of Economics and Business. Her research interests are in the fields of European company law, European internal market law, International Law and collaborative economy. She participated in different EU founded projects. Specifically she is the management committee member of different COST Projects and currently she is actively involved in two EU-funded Erasmus+ Projects. COLECO Project which aims to examine the impacts of the collaborative economy in Europe, focusing on peer-to-peer accommodation platforms and TERRAGOV Project. Prof. Dumančić is a coordinator of the Jean Monnet Teachers Training Project Solidary Europe for Inclusive Society (EUsolis) started in March 2022 till 2025.


The interdisciplinarity of the EU administrative science field permits to have a broader list of subjects for debating from all areas of research. The following tracks are stated for the conference (but not limited to):

  • Track 1: Performance Management in EU Public Administrations
  • Track 2: EU Public Administration Resilience and Cohesion
  • Track 3: Public Policy and Strategy in EU Public Administrations
  • Track 4: Labour Relations in EU. Present Demands and Perspectives

A workshop for students (“Young Professionals in European Administrative Area”) will be organized as part of the Annual Conference, on the 14th of May . The activity is open to all interested students from UAIC and other universities. The workshop will be focused on themes related to the challenges of the public and private sectors during the pandemic times, being oriented on comparative studies, analysis, case-studies, and research. The best papers presented will be published as part of the Scientific Proceeding of the Conference.


The papers (maximum 2 papers/person) presented during the 2022 EU-PAIR Conference will be double peer-reviewed for originality, clarity, significance, and scientific contributions. The accepted papers will be included into the Scientific Proceeding of the Conference, sent to be indexed by Clarivate Analytics. The length of the paper should be between 6 and 20 pages. The final paper should strictly follow the guidelines (see paper template).
The authors will also have the opportunity to publish their papers into the following journals: European Journal of Public Administration Research (to be indexed in IDB) and Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law ( The papers have to fulfil the journals’ requirements.


The language of the conference is English. The abstract and final paper must be submitted in English. The conference will be held online and/or on site if conditions permit.


  • Deadline for submission of abstract or full paper (by email: 15th of April 2022 1st of May 2022
  • Deadline for notification of the abstract/paper acceptance/rejection: 28th of April 2022 5th of May 2022
  • Deadline for paying the registration fee: 10th of May 2022 (please send us a copy of the paying proof at
  • EU-PAIR 2022 Annual Conference: 13th-14th May 2022
  • Deadline for submission of full paper for publication: 24th of July 2022


  • Standard fee: 75 Euro/paper (or 375 RON)
  • For PhD Students: a discounted fee of 50 Euro (or 250 RON)

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Fiscal Code 4701126
For payments in RON:
Trezoreria Iasi
For payments in EURO:

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Carol I, Blvd., No. 11, Iasi, Romania, 700505

  For further details or questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at