Course duration: 20 hours of lectures and 28 hours of seminars
This course is focused on performance management in EU public administrations and teaches about how policymakers and professionals create value by delivering public services to the citizens effectively and efficiently, in the EU and its member states. We examine EU integration values such as social welfare, social equity, safety, transparency, predictability based on effectiveness and efficiency.
Teaching materials: download here
Bibliographic materials:
Books and papers
- Barbier-Gauchard, A., Baret, K., & Minea, A. (2021). National fiscal rules and fiscal discipline in the European Union. Applied Economics, 53(20), 2337–2359.
- Bergman, U. M., Hutchison, M. M., & Jensen, S. E. H. (2016). Promoting sustainable public finances in the European Union: The role of fiscal rules and government efficiency. European Journal of Political Economy, 44, 1-19.
- Downes, R., Moretti, D., & Nicol, S. (2017). Budgeting and performance in the European Union: A review by the OECD in the context of EU budget focused on results. OECD Journal on Budgeting, 17(1), 1-60.
- Fischer, F., & Miller, G. J. (Eds.). (2017). Handbook of public policy analysis: theory, politics, and methods. Routledge.
- Hanousek, J., & Kočenda, E. (2011). Public investment and fiscal performance in the new EU member states. Fiscal Studies, 32(1), 43-71.
- Nugent, N. (2017). The government and politics of the European Union. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Pattyn, V., Van Voorst, S., Mastenbroek, E., & Dunlop, C. A. (2018). Policy evaluation in Europe. The Palgrave handbook of public administration and management in Europe, 577-593.
- Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. (2015). Performance Management in the Public Sector (2nd ed.). Routledge.
- Verbeeten, F. H. M., & Speklé, R. F. (2015). Management control, results-oriented culture and public sector performance: Empirical evidence on new public management. Organization studies, 36(7), 953-978.