„Competitiveness in European Administrative Area. Relevant case-study webinar”

Date: 20th of December 2022, starting 4.30 p.m.
Place: hybrid event (B607 and on-line on Teams – access link)


Andra-Mihaela COSTACHE
Sub-prefect of Galati County/ Coordinator of European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN)
Topic: The need for reform in public administration – a new vision

Andra- Mihaela Costache is a graduate of the Faculty of History, „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, of the Top Management Postgraduate Program, the National College of Internal Affairs of the ” Al. Ioan Cuza” Police Academy and the Program of Excellence in Politics – Social and Health Policy Group – German Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), she activated and founded several non-governmental organizations, organized dozens of humanitarian actions and supported projects in the field of education , international relations and leadership. She took part in several training courses, conferences, and international events through the Erasmus+ program and the National Democratic Institute. All these have brought her several distinctions and certifications, both in the country and abroad, among the most important ones being the title of „Volunteer of the Year” in 2017 or the Telekom Romania scholarship position of excellence. In 2020, at the age of 27, she was appointed as state secretary at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, being the youngest state secretary in Romania. Currently, she holds the position of sub-prefect of Galati County and head of the security structure. She is still active at the international level as the Romanian coordinator of the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN).

Ioana Andrada TUDORIE
Coordinator for media monitoring and operations – North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Topic: Peculiarities of institutional communication

Ioana Andrada Tudorie graduated from the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations at SNSPA Bucharest, with a year of studies at Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 through an Erasmus scholarship. Later, she graduated from the master’s program New Media and Society in Europe, at the Vrije Universitet Brussel. During her college years, she worked in several local and national radio stations as a reporter and presenter. She published a book of poems, but also contributed to other collective volumes and national anthologies. Later, she participated in the Internship program of the Romanian Government, working in the Government’s press office. After a year of working in the communication team of the Ministry of Transport, Andrada left for a 6-month internship in the press and media section of NATO, in Brussels. Currently, she has accumulated 5 years of experience in public relations for NATO, where she organized multiple events such as ministerial meetings, official visits, and Summits, did press monitoring, managed the social media accounts of numerous NATO officials, coordinated tours of the press, organized interviews, press conferences and undertook communication activities with the international press.

Lucia Mădălina TIRON
Financial Officer – European Parliament
Topic: Access to EU institutions and the promotion of European culture

Lucia Mădălina Tiron graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, specializing in Economics and International Affairs, from the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iași. Then, she followed the master’s program Statistics and Actuarial in Insurance and Health. After a year of study, through the Erasmus+ scholarship, at the Institut des Risques Industriels, Assurantiels et Financiers in France, obtained a double degree from the University of Iasi and the University of Poitiers. In 2015, she won the „My European Dream” essay competition, organized by the Center for European Studies, the work being recently published in the intercultural magazine „Orient Românesc” from Beirut. The versatile experience in an international context and multilingual skills were the key to achieving the Schuman Internship, in 2020, within the General Directorate of Infrastructure and Logistics of the European Parliament, in Brussels. Currently, she holds the post of Financial Officer in the same EU institution, among its main attributions being international purchases, the elaboration of budgets and internal statistics.