Aims and scope

European Journal of Public Administration Research (EJPAR) (ISSN 3008-4504; ISSN–L 3008-4504) is an international multidisciplinary journal aiming to provide high theoretical and empirical research in the field.  The journal welcomes studies that further our understanding of the administrative, managerial, economic, financial, juridical, and policy of public affairs and the impact at the level of society. Contributions will cover the full range of social sciences disciplines and are expected to enrich the knowledge of public administration and public affairs from different perspectives.

The EJPAR is the official journal of the Jean Monnet Chair. EU Public Administration Integration and Resilience Studies, acronym EU-PAIR, project no. ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HAI-TCH-RSCH-101047526

Contributions can be:

  • theoretical studies.
  • empirical research.
  • book reviews for significant new publications.
  • special issues.


No. of issues: 2/year (June and December).

ISSN 3008-4504
ISSN–L 3008-4504

See more on:

Editor’s message
Editorial board
International advisory board
Guidelines for authors
Guidelines for reviewers