Course duration: 20 hours of lectures and 24 hours of seminars
These courses aim to develop a deeper understanding of the EU public policies, actors involved in policy making, to provide a coherent and complex analysis on the dynamics of policies, on the human resource involved in all the levels of decision in public administration and on policies and practices in the field. The project aims to transfer knowledge and best practices to students, developing aptitudes and positive attitudes for their future professional life, to promote active citizenship and EU values in a globalized world.
- Prof. PhD. Hab. Bercu Ana-Maria
- Lecturer PhD. Apostoaie Marius Constantin
- Assoc. Prof. PhD. Hab. Boldureanu Gabriela
Teaching materials: download here
Bibliographic materials:
Books and papers
- Bergström, C. F., & Strand, M. (2021). Financial Accountability in the European Union Institutions, Policy and Practice. Routledge. Available here
- Dimitrakopoulos, D., Papadimitriou, D., Bulmer, S., Geddes, A., & Humphreys, P. (2018). Power of the Centre Central Governments and the Macro-Implementation of EU Public Policy. Manchester University Press.
- Halman, L., Reeskens, T., Sieben, I., & van Zundert, M. (2022). Atlas of European Values:Change and continuity in turbulent times. Open Press TiU. Available here
- Litten, R. (2024). EU Capital Market Law: The Law of Financial Instruments (Elgar European Law series). Edward Elgar Publishing. Available here
- Luijkx, R., Reeskens, T., & Sieben, I. (2022). Reflections on European Values: Honouring Loek Halman’s contribution to the European Values Study. Open Press TiU. Available here
- Baute, S., Abts, K., and Meuleman, B. (2019) Public Support for European Solidarity: Between Euroscepticism and EU Agenda Preferences?. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 57: 533–550.
- Delgado Rodríguez, M. J., & de Lucas Santos, S. (2018). Speed of economic convergence and EU public policy. Cuadernos de Economía, 41(115), 31-42.
- Franchino, F. (2005). Forum Section The Study of EU Public Policy: Results of a Survey. European Union Politics, 6(2), 243-252.
- Marjosola, H. (2014). Regulating Financial Markets under Uncertainty: The EU Approach. European Law Review, 39(3), 338-361
- Morishita, M., Shimizu, N., Katori, T., Ikeda, E., & Chenet, H. (2020). EU Sustainable Finance Policy Overview. In IGES Policy Report: Japan EU Comparative Analysis on Sustainable Finance Policy (pp. 20–26). Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. Available here
- Princen, S. (2007). Agenda-setting in the European Union: a theoretical exploration and agenda for research. Journal of European Public Policy, 14(1), 21–38.
- Princen, S. (2011). Agenda-setting strategies in EU policy processes. Journal of European Public Policy, 18(7), 927–943.
- Sabău–Popa, D., & Mara, R. (2015). Flexibility and Simplification of EU’ Financial Regulation in the Future Programming Period 2014-2020. Procedia Economics and Finance, 32, 1590-1597.
- 5 Stages of the Public Policy Process | A Quick Tutorial | Learn Public Policy Process. Available here
- 5 Types of Public Policy | Public Policy Explained. Available here
- Barcelona explains what priorities should be on the EU agenda – Eurocities Leaders Talk. Available here
- Coppieters Foundation – Unveiling Internal Enlargement. Available here
- DW news – How does the EU work (and why is it so complex)? Available here
- EU Financial Instruments – a high level conference. Available here
- EU made SIMPLE – How does the EU pass LAWS? Available here
- Euronews – Euro banknotes set for first full redesign in 20 years. Available here
- Implementing financial instruments in the European Structural and Investment Funds. Available here
- Stockholm explains what priorities should be on the EU agenda – Eurocities Leaders Talk. Available here
- The Policy Making Process. Available here
- What are EU financial instruments? Available here