Teaching activities

EU-PAIR proposes 5 courses in the field of EU public administration integration and resilience. During the first semester students may attend 3 courses: Performance Management in EU Public Administrations for the undergraduate students from public administration specialization, EU Civil Service for undergraduate students from public administration specialization, and Strategic Management in EU Public Administrations for the masters students from public administration and postgraduate students which have different academic profile: history, economics, medicine, arts, engineering, etc., who could apply for a professional job in public administration, at governmental level – local, regional, national or European. During the second semester, 2 courses are available EU Public Policy Analysis for the master students from public administration specialization and, for the postgraduate students with a different academic background and EU Labor Relations for the masters’ students from public administration, economics, and management specializations. These courses aim to develop a deeper understanding of the EU public policies, actors involved in policy making, to provide a coherent and complex analysis on the dynamics of policies, on the human resource involved in all the levels of decision in public administration and on policies and practices in the field.

These courses will provide an in-depth conceptual and practical overview of the various themes regarding the EU public administration integration and resilience studies, linking the EU acquis and existing EU policies with the particularities of administrative systems from the EU member states and to articulate the challenges given by the pandemic.

The main objective is to provide for students’ hands-on knowledge and tools based on case studies to understand the challenges, currents, and trends of national public administrations across European Union, and in the European Administrative Area addressing the new objectives states by the European Commission: digital technology for increasing the efficiency and improve administrative processes, investing in people including technical skills as well as organizational, communication, and innovation skills, communication with the stakeholders and fostering a culture of innovation.

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