Course duration: 20 hours of lectures and 32 hours of seminars
The main themes of this course are referee to employee and labour relations as a part of HRM, to develop and maintain effective working relationships taking into consideration the particularities of HR practices in public organisations around the EU countries.
Teaching materials: download here
Bibliographic materials:
Books and papers
- Blanpain, Roger, European Labour Law, Ed. Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn (The Netherlands), 2014.
- Dorn, David and Zweimuller, Josef, “Migration and Labor Market Integration in Europe”, Journal of Economic Perspectives vol. 35, no. 2 (2021). Available here
- Menegatti, Emanuele, “The Evolving Concept of “worker”in EU law”, Italian Labour Law e-Journal, Issue 1, Vol. 12 (2019). Available here
- Riesenhuber, Karl, European Employment Law, Ed. Larcier Intersentia, Brussels, 2022.
- Schieckoff, Bentley and Sprengholz, Maximilian, “The labor market intergration of immigrant women in Europe: context, theory, and evidence”, SN Social Sciences, vol. 1, 276, (2021). Available here
- Popescu, Radu Răzvan, Dreptul european al muncii. Legislație, doctrină, jurisprudență, Ed. Hamangiu, București, 2022.
- Zwysen, Wouter, Labour Shortages, Job Quality and Workers’ Bargaining Power: A European Quantitative Analysis (September 16, 2024). ETUI Research Paper – Working Paper. Available here
Reports and other informational materials:
- Employment contracts in the European Union. Available here
- Employing in Europe: Overview of important labor law aspects. Available here
- EU Monitor, How the EU improves workers’ rights and working conditions. Available here
- European Economic and Social Committee, EESC opinion: Strengthening collective bargaining power across the European Union, 2023. Available here
- European Parliament (EP), EMPL in Focus, The Scope of EU labor law. Who is (not) covered by key directives? Available here
- European Labor Authority (ELA), EURES – Report on labour shortages and surpluses (2022). Available here
- European Labor Authority (ELA), Study report on methods and instruments to gather evidence of undeclared work (2023). Available here
- European Labor Authority (ELA), Final report on the cooperation practices, possibilities and challenges between Member States – specifically in relation to the posting of third-country nationals (2023). Available here
- International Labor Organization, Regulating the employment relationship in Europe: A guide to Recommendation No. 198, 2013. Available here