Workshop “Building European Administrative Area. Key Features and Boundaries”
11th of April 2023, 12 p.m. (EET) and 11 a.m. (CET)
Room C3, FEAA, UAIC & On-line on Teams
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“Working, yet poor. In-work poverty in the EU and its impact on vulnerable and underrepresented persons”
Invited Speaker
Antonio GARCÍA-MUÑOZ, Post-doctoral Researcher
University of Luxembourg
About our invited speaker
Antonio García-Muñoz is currently post-doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg, where he has been working in the H2020 Project Working, yet Poor on the role of labour law to tackle in-work poverty among vulnerable workers in the European Union. Before joining Luxembourg, he was working at Goethe University (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), where he was one of the coordinators of the European Centre of Expertise (ECE) in the field of labour law and labour market policies. His Ph.D., that he defended in 2015 and has been published as a monograph in 2017, was an innovative research on the dynamics of sectoral social dialogue and collective bargaining at EU level. His research interests are varied. He has published about ecology and labour law, EU labour and social law, and in-work poverty in the EU. Currently he is working on the regulation on telework, the concept of exploitation in labour law and the links between labour law and sustainability. (See references)